
5 Tips to Keeping your Home Cool and HVAC Happy this Summer

 In Air Duct Cleaning

Summer is coming! The hot forecast that’s heading your way won’t just heat up the air outside- you can expect rising temperatures in your house as well. When running non-stop, even the best central air systems can fail without notice. To avoid such mishaps, proper maintenance and a few simple upgrades will give your HVAC system the boost that it needs to keep you and your family cool this summer.

Here are the top 5 tips to keep your home cold this summer:

  1. Install a smart thermostat

The US Department of Energy says an adequately controlled thermostat can save you up to 10 percent on heating and cooling each year. By installing a smart thermostat, the air conditioners activity is better controlled which helps your HVAC system run more efficiently. These intelligent systems can factor in local weather and are also equipped with motion sensors to adjust when the air conditioner kicks on.

  1. Change the air filter

Keep your HVAC happy and safe by changing the air filter frequently- twice a year should do the trick. This simple fix will also save you money on your heating and cooling bills.  Clogged filters slow the air flow and cause your system to run longer and cool your home more slowly. Additionally, the extra stress put on your HVAC system can cause its internal components not to function correctly, leading to a system failure.\

  1. Let the air flow

Open up all doors and registers in your home. Central air systems are designed to balance the flow of air throughout your house. If built right, the system is designed to manipulate negative and positive air pressure, creating a balance so it circulates freely. However, a closed or shut register can cause a blockage making it more challenging to keep rooms at a comfortable temperature.  

  1. Check your dampers

Dampers are valves designed to control air flow in specific rooms. However, unlike the vents you can see, these valves are often hidden in your ductwork. Locate the handles or knobs on the exterior of the duct and rotate them to an open position.

  1. Call in the pros

If your attempts to keep your home cool this summer fail, it’s a good idea to have the professionals come in and take a look. They can check your system for leaks, air pressure, analyze electricity usage, check refrigerant levels and more.

It’s possible your HVAC system merely needs to be cleaned, and if that’s the case, the professionals at Steam Pro Inc. will have your system dust and allergen free in no time! Either way, we hope you have a relaxed and comfortable summer!


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