How to Clean Slime from your Carpet and Upholstery
Slime is all of the rage right now, and chances are if you have kids, you have some. Sure, it’s all fun and games until its ground down into your carpet fibers and upholstery yet you can’t seem to tell the kiddos they can’t play with it. The good news is these messes are not permanent and are easily treatable. So keep on squeezing that gooey stuff and follow these simple steps to clean up the mess!
Removing Slime From Carpet:
It’s a piece of cake. Merely warm water and vinegar should do the trick. Grab a soft bristled brush and gently loosen the slime from the carpet fiber then blot the area with a clean, dry towel. You may need to repeat the process a few times so make sure to keep a clean bucket of diluted vinegar and water at your side. After the area is all clean, let the spot dry and vacuum to restore your carpet to its original slime-free luster.
Removing Slime From Upholstery:
Your first move should be to blot the slime on your upholstery using a clean, damp cloth. Fabric such as polyester won’t let the stain set in either way so that should do the trick. However, make sure you’re lifting the stain up and away from the fabric and not pressing it down into the fibers. Applying too much pressure will cause the slime to settle in more deeply. Do not use tap water as the mineral deposits will stain your fabric as it dries. Distilled water is your best bet here.
Relax moms and dads. That gooey slime your kids love playing with so much is the least of your worries. I would be more concerned with the bowl of chocolate ice cream junior is running around the house with because you know it’s only a matter of time before that bowl hits the floor!
Steam Pro Inc is here to tackle all of your carpet needs. Be it slime, ice cream or even the wine you need to regain your sanity- our carpet cleaning professionals are here and our steam cleaning carpet services are the best the Denver Metro Area has to offer!